
Remove Brontok Virus Urself

Its the most sticky virus.u can Remove it your self.It works be an ethical and it is very easy. 
Start Ur computer in safe mode with command prompt and type the following command to enable registry editor:- 
reg delete HKCU software Microsoft windows current version policies system / v "Disable Registry Tools" 
and run HKLM software Microsoft windows current version policies system / v "Disable Registry Tools" 
after this ur registry editor is enable 
type explorer 
Go to the start menu and start the run command(or press windows logo key + r to open the run command directly) and type regedit 
then follow the following path :- 
HKLM Software Microsoft Windows Current version Run 
on the right side delete the entries which contain 'Brontok' and 'Tok-' words. 
after that restart ur system open registry editor and follow the path to enable folder option in tools menu 
HKCU Software Microsoft Windows Current version Policies Explorer 'No Folder Option' 
delete this entry and restart Ur computer 
and then open the search bar and select all files and folders and then select " search hidden files" in option menu select all the option in option menu ( search system folders, search sub folders, search backup files ) and search in all drives, then in search bar type the following word " *.exe " and press search button. (search in hidden files also) 
remove all files which are display likes as folder icon. All these files are virus files don't open them and delete all these files.Now restart your computer. 
Your computer is completely free from virus brontok


How to Clean an Infected Windows Computer

Viruses, spyware, trojans, worms, malware etc can easily infect a PC and can cause various symptoms like icons not working to the machine running slow or not being able to boot.

To combat this problem your PC has to be properly protected and maintained regularly. There is no point in having anti-virus or anti-spyware software installed on your machine if you never update it or run regular scans.

So to protect your system from All parasites we recommend you download the following FREE tools:


AVG FREE Edition or 

Avira Anti-Virus 


Adaware 2008 

Hijack This 

Spybot Search & Destroy 

Additional / Optional Tools (Recommended)

UBCD4WIN - An excellent boot CD with ALL the best FREE Anti-virus / spyware tools included. Use when you cannot boot into Windows at all. 

EZPCFIX - An excellent program for disk, start up, registry etc clean ups. Included on the UBCD4WIN. 

Once you have downloaded the above anti-virus / spyware tools you MUST update them. Then follow the steps below:

Step 1

Boot into Windows. If you cannot boot into Windows then use the UBCD4WIN

Turn of System Restore 

Step 2

Run a disk cleanup by either clicking Start then Run then typing cleanmgr then click OK 

Or use EZPCFIX to quickly do a disk cleanup 

Step 3

Run, update and scan with Adaware 

Run, update and Scan with Spybot 

Run Hijack This and post results on one of their forums using the Analyze This button 

Run AVG or Avir Anti-Virus 

Reboot into Safe Mode and run all scans again 

That should remove most viruses, spyware, malware etc. And don't forget to reenable System Restore if you use it.


Windows Vista Virus Removal Instructions

Is your Microsoft Windows computer not acting the way it should? Do you think you might have a Virus or something related? You are probably in need of Windows Vista virus removal instructions. Microsoft Windows Vista has not been out that long, maybe 2 years max, but enough people have it where we think its vital to know how to deal with problems when you get them on your home computer.

Here are dirctions for removing viruses and spyware alike from your home computer, whether you might have a laptop or desktop pc. Remember these directions assume you have a basic understanding of your computer system and how to navigate around to its general components.

1 - Disable System Restore In Control Panel

Find the start menu icon and then navigate to the control panel. From there go to backup and restore center which is easy to find because the control pane is in alphabetical order. Now click on create a restore point or change settings. You should see a system properties window come up. Take away the check boxes next to the hard drive your Windows Vista operating system is on, it's usually C:. The last protection window will open, and click turn off system restore here.

2- Install AVG Antivirus Software

Before installing anything you want to remove any other installations of antivirus software. So go into the control panel and then programs and remove any that you might have. From here you need to either download AVG Antivirus, the award winning antivirus program, or download it from another computer (with the updates). Do that if your current computer does not have internet access.

Install AVG on your PC that is in need of Windows Vista virus removal, but remember to update the program before doing a full scan. Update via the internet if you have a connection or via the disk you downloaded the program and updates to. After the scan is done doing a full scan, make sure you heal, remove, or quarantine any infections. Also remove any warnings in that column there.

3 - Restart Your Home Computer

Hit the restart button on your pc and this time go into safe mode by pressing f8 (on most computers) when the computer is booting up. This time do another full scan to make sure everything was removed, this is important to do so don't forget.

4 - Re Enable System Restore From Earlier

Start button then go to the control panel and back into backup and restore center. Create a restore point or change settings button now. Click on system properties window now. Mark the boxes which indicate your hard drive with your Windows Vista on it. We are nearing the completion of our Windows Vista virus removal instructions so stay with it, just a few steps left.

5 - Enable and use Windows Vista automatic updates

In the control panel then automatic updates, make sure they are enabled and to check for updates right there. Install all critical updates and required components, this is a must do not skip this step.

Finally, restart your home computer one last time. If you feel your computer is not back to normal and things appear to not function correctly, seek out a professional or a more experienced friend. If everything seems to be ok then make sure your AVG antivirus is set to do daily scans at a certain time so that you are protected in the future. And come back and read more about Windows Vista Virus Removal Instructions.


Anti Spam Anti Virus Solution

Computer and the related technologies are very much in use today. People and businesses depend on different soft wares and programs to work and to do many tasks which may be very important to them. The internet, e-mails and the computer and IT in general are very helpful in this regard but there are certain problems which reduce the efficiency of these technologies. 

Spam e-mails and computer viruses are two such problems. All the people who use computer in a routine and have a dependence on this machine know how problematic the viruses and the spam e-mails can be for you. Your precious time can be wasted due to these and along with that the viruses may also destroy the very important records or data. Anti spam anti virus solution is very important for making the computer and related technology dependable for you. There are many online companies which offer you the anti spam anti virus solution. Some of them are really good and can make your life much easier. Some such companies have their on line interface but they also work otherwise. 

Spam e-mails are those e-mails for which the sender has not taken permission form the recipient. The mails are generally mass e-mails but a personal e-mail for which the permission has not been taken from the recipient can be classified as spam. 

As spam e-mails are becoming more of a problem, anti spam anti virus solution has become more important in the recent past. Now let's see what the viruses are. Viruses generally come from the minds of the evil geniuses. 

Viruses are programs which have all the abilities to destroy or reduce the efficiency of other programs. As these programs are a problem, anti spam anti virus solution becomes very important for us. Both, the spam e-mails and the viruses, disturb the business environment in general. People are tired of these two problems and thus the anti spam anti virus solution is of importance to people. Anti spam anti virus solution makes your time more paying and more productive as the two major disturbances are no more there. 

Anti spam anti virus solutions are very important to us. They make our life easier. One of such solutions is the e-mail fire walls. These firewalls are capable of stopping the bombardment of e-mails in our e-mail boxes. By using these firewalls our e-mail addresses and the connection is completely hidden from the spammers and the viruses. This makes the intranet safe at least. There are many companies who offer different types of anti spam anti virus solutions. You can learn a lot about the anti spam anti virus solutions if you search for them online. 

Many companies offer their services in this regard. The online solutions are better in the sense that you can compare the prices of the available anti spam anti virus solutions before you go for the actual purchase. 

Many companies are providing the anti spam anti virus solution to their clients but you have to know your own requirements before you go for one. It depends on the sensitivity of your data and the level of accuracy you want to retain in your data. The price you can afford is another factor. All these factors will help you decide what type of anti spam anti virus solution will suit you.


Clean a Trojan Virus – How to Clean a Trojan Virus Quickly and Safely

Arghhh, has your computer been infected with the dreaded trojan virus?!? Is this has happened the first thing to do is NOT PANIC. The trojan virus is perhaps one of the most popular forms of malware infecting the internet. Unfortunately in the cyber world having to endure trojan virus attacks are part of the territory. If you discover your computer has been infected it is important that you clean the trojan virus from your computer quickly.


Like viruses that effect human beings, computer viruses are not all that different. Once formed, they spread person to person virally infecting individuals one at a time. And like normal viruses if they are not cured they will simply get worse and worse, spreading through your system and shutting down your ability to perform other functions.


A trojan virus can cause a host of problems once it hits your computer. It can:


Destroy your hard drive and corrupt the registry

Alter system setting and preferences and then block you from changing them back

Steal private information such as bank account and credit card numbers

Snoop on your browsing habits and report findings to others



So by now you are probably wondering “how can I remove a trojan virus from my computer?” Well before we get into that there is something equally as important. You must learn how to prevent trojan viruses from attacking your computer first. This can be done by installing a firewall.


Although versions of Windows Vista and XP (sp2) come with firewalls already installed, these are sometimes not enough. Norton and McAfee are widely considered the top two firewalls available. For FireFox users you can download a plugin called “McAfee Site Advisor” which tells you if any potential website will attempt to infect you with spyware and viruses. Once you turn it on you may be shocked by all the dangerous websites you didn’t know you were visiting. Those of you currently using Internet Explorer I highly recommend switching to FireFox for security purposes.


Now can get to how to clean a trojan virus. This can be done manually, but unless you have a strong understanding of Windows registry files I do not recommend doing it yourself. Fortunately there are a few programs which can remove trojan viruses easily, along with adware, spyware, and other dangerous forms of malware. In just a few short minutes your computer can be trojan virus free!


How to Compare Antivirus Software?

There's an influx of antivirus software in the internet these days. Antivirus software are everywhere in the internet. Article about them are also common. The problem with having too much of one thing is that you will have a hard time selecting the good from the bad. To come up with a list of possible choices one has to compare antivirus software. Comparing is not easy, considering the number of antivirus to compare. Many website are there to help with comparison but they only compare a few. They focus their comparison to selected antivirus that are already there for many years. How about those antivirus software that have just recently started but may also have the ability to perform well? They don't have the chance to be tested and be proven competitive with the popular ones.


There should be a means to compare antivirus software not based on popularity but with their ability to thwart virus attacks. I have read articles that compare antivirus software and they are impressive. They test antivirus software based on how they detect known virus. Many antivirus software fared very well. Others did not do well because they were not able to detect new virus. The problem is that they limit their comparison to a chosen few. What about those that are left out? How will they be given a chance?

Who says So?

There are also those who compare antivirus software based on what the company that made them has to say about their product. I don't know if this is reliable enough. There are people who claim to have done something but if you ask them to do it they can't. There are just too many people who tell lies this days. I don't say that all of them are liars but who would know the difference between an honest company from a lying one. They all write pretty good things about their products. Who would say bad things about something they themselves made?

Who's Initiative?

The initiative to compare antivirus software should come from people other that those who made it or have any vested interest about it. The objective of the comparison should be to help people in choosing the right antivirus and not to promote one. People would love to know the truth about antivirus. There are already so much antivirus out there. It's already difficult to know all of them. Another product profile may turn buyers off. What people need is honest, comprehensive, fair and accurate comparison of antivirus software based on performance and ability to protect computers from virus attacks.

It may take a long time before anyone can compare antivirus software comprehensively. That would be very difficult to do considering that there are so much of these products in the market today. There are also many things to consider. A definite plan should be established first before the factual, realistic and unbiased way to compare antivirus software is realized.

For now to determine which antivirus software is right for you should visit http://www.antivirusreviews.ws for honest Antivirus Software Reviews


The Best Free Virus Fix on Computer!

It's really annoying when you just can't finish a task on time because of your PC's very low performance. Then you've decided to try restarting it only to notice that the boot-up seems to take a lifetime! You might also want to take a second look on your files for some might be deleted. Some programs won't run anymore, and sometimes, your hard disk drive is reformatted without your intention! Those are just a few headaches a virus infection gives you; not to mention the cost of having a repairman to help you out. Don't worry too much, there's a free virus fix on computers you can do.

A pc gets infected by viruses, ad ware, spy ware, keyloggers, Trojan horses and privacy invasions through the internet, from computers of the same network, removable media or even in e-mails. Virus can disguise as e-mail attachments that replicates itself by sending the same infected e-mail to the people in your address book. The viruses rapidly multiplies itself and consumes a big space in your computer's memory causing it to slow down or worse, crash. It's like germs that only aim to destroy your computer's normal functionality. When caught to such stressful situation, here's a free virus fix on computers you can try:

1) As soon as you see that your computer is acting weird or slowing down, you can choose to do system restore and use a previous date where there still has no abnormalities in your computer.

2) Remove all its connections to any network and the Internet to make sure that the virus won't be able to spread towards other computers.

3) Get an anti-virus program. The top anti-virus downloads that are free virus fix on computers are Grisoft AVG Anti-Virus and Avast, both available and free of charge to home users. Then run a full system scan. After the scan, you might be prompted to restart the computer. Once you restart it, run a scan again to be sure that the virus has been totally removed.

4) If the anti-virus program can only detect the viruses but won't be able to remove them, try downloading a different program using a non-infected computer.

5) You can also make a backup of all data you can't afford to lose then reinstall the whole operating system.

6) Run a registry cleaner afterwards.

Take note of the provided free virus fix on computers. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, prevention is still better than cure. So take note of a few precautions to make sure that you can never have headaches fixing your computer later. After installing your computer's operating system, install reliable anti-virus software abruptly. Then make sure that the anti virus is updated, and perform a scan on a daily basis. For every removable medium you connect to your computer, never regret to perform a scan.

When an email from an unknown sender is received, do not open it. That may contain viruses that will automatically scatter on your system as soon as you open or download the attachments, if there's any. Download firewall programs that can help secure your computer. Do regular backups of your data, in case you might encounter systems errors due to virus infections. Moreover, secure your local area connection. Check other workstations connected and make sure that nobody is infected. Be extra careful in downloading any software or files from the internet. But at times when you won't be able to escape, just remember the free virus fix on computers cited above.


Protecting Your Computer From Viruses

With so many computer viruses lurking on the Internet ready to attack your computer, it is important that you are prepared for and know how to fend them off even before they arrive at their intended destination. Computer viruses can conceivably delete or destroy all the data on your computer. Worst of all, they can extract information from you computer and transmit it to other computers along with the virus itself.

It is essential that you protect your computer with an anti-virus security program which you can either download from an Internet merchant or buy at any computer software store. A good anti-virus program is one that is capable of detecting and blocking incoming viruses before they hit your PC, as well as detecting viruses that are already there. Once the virus is detected, your anti-virus program should be able to safely quarantine, repair, or simply delete infected files so your computer retains its optimum health and functionality.

There are three types of computer viruses that should be of concern to you. The first is a common and standard computer virus that is typically delivered through the medium of a launched program on your computer. The virus will then spread throughout your system and eventually infect other programs that it reaches. Most security software is designed to protect you against such viruses, but there are new viruses being developed every day by computer thugs, so it is vital that you keep your anti-virus definition file updated at least weekly.

The second type, and the one for which you are likely most familiar, is the email virus which can be sent unknowingly from person-to-person before being detected. These viruses are hidden in an email message; opening that message on the receiving end activates the virus. It can then collect, for example, the email addresses you have registered in your email client and send copies of the same virus to every person on your contact list. Most email services have built in protection that scans messages for viruses as an email is received, but the best protection is know what to look for in the first place. Email viruses "hang out" in emails from unknown sources and in attachments, usually from people you do not know.

Finally, the most dangerous of the computer viruses is the "worm." This type of infection has the ability to worm its way from computer to computer across the Internet or a local area network. They copy themselves directly onto a computer without being notice, so you might not be aware you have one until your data is completely stolen or gone. They are written to seek out specific weaknesses of your security program through which entrance is made onto your computer. The best way to combat a worm is through a computer firewall. These front line security programs inhibit attempts to access your computer and alert you to when you have a potential danger.

Knowing now the high level types of viruses, you are in a more strategic position to protect yourself and your computer from pending dangerous data theft or destruction.


10 Tips to Make Your Computer Virus-free

The explosion in Internet use has brought with it the very real threat of viruses that can attack the unwary user. Viruses come in many forms - installers, Trojans and worms all of which can affect the performance of your computer and your privacy seriously. Viruses affect the computer either by corrupting programs or by replicating themselves and denying resources to legitimate programs. Trojans usually come disguised as something desirable and are activated when you try to open or run them. Worms and some Trojans may send themselves to people in your address book in emails, without your knowledge.

Even though the threat posed by viruses is serious, a few precautions taken in time can help you protect and sanitize your computer against viruses.

1. Browse with Caution - Most viruses enter your computer as a result of clicking on pop ups or other links in websites that are not trustworthy. Do not follow links or click on pop ups that could install viruses on your computer.

2. Open Emails Cautiously - At times, even if the subject is innocuous, emails can contain links that lead to a virus entering your computer. If the email is not from a trusted source, treat it with caution.

3. Open Email Attachments with Care - The attachment that the email urges you to open may contain a virus! Make sure your mail manager allows you to preview the type of file (.exe, .com, .vbt in attachments are probably viruses. The same goes for screensaver programs that come to you unsolicited).

4. Installing downloaded programs - Programs downloaded from the Internet can pose a serious threat to your computer. Make sure that the program you have downloaded is from a trusted site or has a certificate issued by a trusted certifying authority.

5. Firewall - There are several firewall software packages available that allow you to prevent unauthorized access to your computer that could be initiated by an infected system.

6. Antivirus - A good antivirus package residing in your computer can be the best protection you can have against viruses. Choose an antivirus package that can comprehensively defend itself against viruses.

7. Regular Virus Scan - The mere presence of anti-virus software in your computer is not enough. Scanning of your computer for viruses must be done on a regular basis to locate and isolate viruses.

8. Update the Anti-Virus - It is very important to update the anti-virus program itself periodically. New viruses are introduced every day and the manufacturers of the anti-virus software update the virus database and capabilities of the anti-virus program regularly.

9. Update windows and all other software - Do not forget to update the Operating System and other software regularly as they are frequently patched to overcome security loopholes and vulnerabilities.

10. Removable Media - Removable media like floppies and USB drives are a major factor facilitating spreading of viruses. Use only trusted devices on your computer.


How to Remove a Trojan Virus From Your Computer

Has your Computer been infected with a deadly Trojan Virus? Are you concerned about the safety of your pc and personal details? Do you wish to learn how to remove the Trojan virus as soon as possible? Well you are not alone; millions around the world have been infected by this virus and are asking the very same questions, so in this article I am going to show you how to remove a Trojan virus very easily within minutes.

If you wish to fully remove a Trojan Virus and to ensure your remain protected from future threats I would suggest you simply run your existing anti-virus and anti spyware programs and perform a full system scan. They should be able to locate and remove the virus fairly easily, if you have any troubles make sure that your software’s are fully updated so they can recognize the latest viruses. If you don't have any sort of anti-virus or anti-spyware program installed on your computer then I'm afraid you are simply asking to be infected and you really should grab a decent program asap. That is only if you wish to protect your computer from these deadly viruses and also prevent yourself from being infected in the future.

Now manual methods of deletion do exist, however I must warn you they are only recommended for advanced computer users. They are not as effective at fully removing the virus and obviously manually deleting anything isn’t going to protect you from future threats. Nonetheless you can manually remove a Trojan virus and if you wish to give a try just simply search for “how to remove a Trojan virus” using registry and you should find a bunch of tutorials that will guide you through the entire process. You should know that if use the registry incorrectly you could cause irreversible damage and you may have to re-install your whole operating system again, so attempt it with extreme caution.

Just so you know A Trojan Horse Virus is also usually capable of stealing important information from the user's computer. It infects the user’s computer by enticing them to open a file that appears valuable and beneficial; once they open the file the virus springs into to action and infects the PC. It will then gather private and important about you and your online behavior and then report this back to a designated server which is run by the Virus developer.

So if you use the internet to enter in credit card details or conduct internet banking ,then your info could be at serious risk of being viewed by a third party if you have been infected by a Trojan virus. Hence if you wish to remain protected from these deadly viruses and keep your private info secure then go ahead and download a good anti-spyware program if you haven’t already done so. You see there are always new viruses and malwares being released by these thieves and hackers on a daily basis, so the only way to remain protected is to be equipped with a good anti spyware program. I should also quickly state that you shouldn’t go out and download free anti spyware tools from torrent sites in order to remove the Trojan virus. This is because these free tools are the main targets for Trojan virus developers, they see it as easy bait, and if you go down his road you will probably be infected with even more viruses if you’re not careful. Take it from someone who has learned from experience.

A good anti-spyware will constantly offer you new updates as they are specifically designed to hunt down and remove even the latest hidden spyware such as Trojans, worms, malware, zlobs , virtumonde etc. They will remove the Trojan virus quickly and efficiently and ensure that your computer remains protected in the future as they provide real time protection. Personally I use the Xoftspyse Software to keep my computer protected from these nasty viruses; it eliminates and protects your computer from over 250,000 potentially harmful applications, viruses and spyware.

Therefore if you wish to remove a Trojan virus from your computer and avoid furthering damaging your computer, then grab a good anti-spyware program. Most of them offer a free trial download anyways, so you can test out the software for free and get rid of your Trojan Virus at no cost.

So if you have been infected with a Trojan Horse Virus, then don't panic ! With the Right Tools you can easily have it removed and have your computer functioning normally again. I personally had great success with the XoftSpySE Software, not only does it remove Trojans but also other nasty Spywares, Adware, Malware, Hijackers, Spybot Viruses, and more. They also offer A Free Download and Scan so Check it Out!!


Types of Computer Viruses

In computing terminology, a ‘malicious code’ is a term used for computer viruses and programs designed to cause damage to computers. Other types of destructive PC worms are known as Internet virus including the examples like Worms and Trojans. 

Outlined below is the description of different kinds of computer viruses: 

Program/File Infector 

Falling under the category of parasitic viruses, a program or file infector attempts to infect the files with extension code like .exe, .com, .drv, .dil, .bin, .ovl, and .sys. It gets activate along with the execution of executable file containing virus. The virus then loads itself into memory and replicates itself to other executable files when these files are opened or run. 

The File Infector virus can destroy the content contained in files and cause irreversible damage to them. Some file viruses have also operated as email worm and Trojan horse. 

The best way to disinfect files infected by the file virus is to delete them and restore from back up. 

Macro Computer Virus 

A macro computer virus is a virus written in a language built into a software application such as a word processor. For example: Microsoft Office has the macro language built into its application. This is why most of its application programs are affected by macro computer virus. 

Macro viruses are generally created using the macro recorder or Visual Basic for Applications. The applications that are the most prone to this antivirus are Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets, Power Point Presentation, and Access Database. The virus infects templates of these documents and therefore every file that the user opens gets affected. Some common macro computer viruses are Auto Exec, Auto New, Auto Open, Auto Close, and Auto Exit. 

The auto macros can be disabled by using the command ‘DisableAutoMacros’ in any macro that is written. Another way to remove it is by holding down the shift key while opening a document. 

Multi-Partite Virus 

It behaves in the same way as other computer viruses do. As the name signifies, they are sometimes more than one type. These are hybrids and are known as multi-partite virus. 

Polymorphic Viruses 

It is a kind of virus which produces different but operational copies for itself. Its attack is considered to be extremely dangerous as virus detectors will not be able to detect all instances of virus attacks simultaneously. And this is one of the reasons why it is known to be strategically designed.

Stealth Viruses

A stealth virus uses different mechanisms to prevent recognition by antivirus software. It tries to escape detection either by redirecting the disk head to head to read another sector or modifying the file size shown in the Directory listing.

Classification of some viruses is not possible as they are the file type viruses which start behaving as computer worms with an activation code.


Conficker Virus

What is the Conficker Virus? The Conficker virus (aka Downup virus, Downandup virus, Conflicker virus, and Kido virus) is a worm. A worm is a type of virus that spreads itself through networks. Basically someone starts it up and it starts looking around a network that it is connected to - including the Internet - to find computers that are vulnerable to infection.

What computers are vulnerable to the Conficker virus? Any computer that is or has been connected to a network (including the Internet) and running the following version of Windows:

1. Windows 2000 (very vulnerable)
2. Windows XP (very vulnerable)
3. Windows Server 2003 (very vulnerable)
4. Windows Vista (less vulnerable)
5. Windows Server 2008 (less vulnerable)

Microsoft put out a patch to fix the vulnerability: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 - Critical. Computers that have had the patch applied, providing that the Conficker virus was not already on it, are not vulnerable to attack via a network.

What is the "vulnerability"? How can the Conficker virus gain access to a computer over a network? All computers that are able to share information over a network have programs running on as part of the operating system that "listen" for communications from the network. For instance, if a co-worker on another computer wants to access a folder on your computer they (through their computer) send a message to your computer asking to access the folder. The appropriate operating system component on your computer handles the request and gives access or denies access to the file based on whether you shared the file and gave the requestor permission to see it. The important thing to understand is that a program on the requesting computer makes contact with a program on the listening computer and gets the listening program to do something for it.

If the listening program mentioned above has a bug in it that can enable the requesting program to make it do unsavory things - like give the requesting program access to install itself on the receiving computer - then that would be a "vulnerability". In the case of the Conficker virus that is basically what was discovered - the program that lets you share folders and printers and other things on a Windows computer, called the Windows Server service, had a bug in it that would allow another program to get it to do things that would then allow a program to be installed over the network without anyone knowing about it.

What would protect me from the Conficker virus or similar viruses? If your network and computer are being protected by a properly configured firewall then you were really never at risk. If you applied the patch Microsoft put out for this vulnerability by running Windows updates then your Windows computer was not vulnerable for long and is no longer vulnerable. If you are running Windows Vista and have the UAC turned on (the thing that asks you "Confirm or Deny" whenever you try to install anything) then you are minimally at risk.

There are many ways to make a system more secure but basic security practices would have minimized your risk to this virus as well as similar ones:

1. Use a firewall - this will stop almost any worm attack.
2. Stay on top of updating your operating system.
3. Use an up-to-date antivirus program.


Computer Virus

In 1983, Fred Cohen coined the term “computer virus”, postulating a virus was "a program that can 'infect' other programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved copy of itself.” The term virus is actually an acronym for Vital Information Resources Under Seize. Mr. Cohen expanded his definition a year later in his 1984 paper, “A Computer Virus”, noting that “a virus can spread throughout a computer system or network using the authorizations of every user using it to infect their programs. Every program that gets infected may also act as a virus and thus the infection grows.” Computer viruses, as we know them now, originated in 1986 with the creation of Brain - the first virus for personal computers. Two brothers wrote it (Basid and Farooq Alvi who ran a small software house in Lahore, Pakistan) and started the race between viruses and anti-virus programs which still goes on today. 
Using the above explanation, it can be said that viruses infect program files. However, viruses can also infect certain types of data files, specifically those types of data files that support executable content, for example, files created in Microsoft Office programs that rely on macros. 
Compounding the definition difficulty, viruses also exist that demonstrate a similar ability to infect data files that don't typically support executable content - for example, Adobe PDF files, widely used for document sharing, and .JPG image files. However, in both cases, the respective virus has a dependency on an outside executable and thus neither virus can be considered more than a simple ‘proof of concept’. In other cases, the data files themselves may not be infectable, but can allow for the introduction of viral code. Specifically, vulnerabilities in certain products can allow data files to be manipulated in such a way that it will cause the host program to become unstable, after which malicious code can be introduced to the system. These examples are given simply to note that viruses no longer relegate themselves to simply infecting program files, as was the case when Mr. Cohen first defined the term. Thus, to simplify and modernize, it can be safely stated that a virus infects other files, whether program or data. 
Computer viruses are called viruses because they share some of the traits of biological viruses. A computer virus passes from computer to computer like a biological virus passes from person to person. 
There are similarities at a deeper level, as well. A biological virus is not a living thing. A virus is a fragment of DNA inside a protective jacket. Unlike a cell, a virus has no way to do anything or to reproduce by itself -- it is not alive. Instead, a biological virus must inject its DNA into a cell. The viral DNA then uses the cell's existing machinery to reproduce itself. In some cases, the cell fills with new viral particles until it bursts, releasing the virus. In other cases, the new virus particles bud off the cell one at a time, and the cell remains alive. 
A computer virus shares some of these traits. A computer virus must piggyback on top of some other program or document in order to get executed. Once it is running, it is then able to infect other programs or documents. Obviously, the analogy between computer and biological viruses stretches things a bit, but there are enough similarities that the name sticks.
A computer virus is a program that replicates. To do so, it needs to attach itself to other program files (for example, .exe, .com, .dll) and execute whenever the host program executes. Beyond simple replication, a virus almost always seeks to fulfill another purpose: to cause damage.
Called the damage routine, or payload, the destructive portion of a virus can range from overwriting critical information kept on the hard disk's partition table to scrambling the numbers in the spreadsheets to just taunting the user with sounds, pictures, or obnoxious effects. 
It’s worth bearing in mind, however, that even without a ”damage routine”, if viruses are allowed to run unabated then it will continue to propagate--consuming system memory, disk space, slowing network traffic and generally degrading performance. Besides, virus code is often buggy and can also be the source of mysterious system problems that take weeks to understand. So, whether a virus is harmful or not, its presence on the system can lead to instability and should not be tolerated.
Some viruses, in conjunction with "logic bombs," do not make their presence known for months. Instead of causing damage right away, these viruses do nothing but replicate--until the preordained trigger day or event when they unleash their damage routines on the host system or across a network.

Impact of Viruses on Computer Systems
Virus can be reprogrammed to do many kinds of harm including the following.
1.Copy themselves to other programs or areas of a disk.
2.Replicate as rapidly and frequently as possible, filling up the infected system’s disk and memory rendering the systems useless.
3.Display information on the screen.
4.Modify, corrupt or destroy selected files.
5.Erase the contents of entire disks.
6.Lie dormant for a specified time or until a given condition is met, and then become active.
7.Open a back door to the infected system that allows someone else to access and even control of the system through a network or internet connection.
8.Some viruses can crash the system by causing some programs (typically Windows) to behave oddly.
How viruses spread from one system to another?
The most likely virus entry points are email, Internet and network connections, floppy disk drives, and modems or other serial or parallel port connections. In today's increasingly interconnected workplace (Internet, intranet, shared drives, removable drives, and email), virus outbreaks now can spread faster and wider than ever before.

The following are some common ways for a virus to enter the users’ computer system:
•Email attachments
•Malicious scripts in web pages or HTML email 
•FTP traffic from the Internet (file downloads)
•Shared network files & network traffic in general
•Demonstration software
•Pirated software
•Shrink-wrapped, production programs (rare) 
•Computer labs
•Electronic bulletin boards (BBS)
•Diskette swapping (using other people’s diskettes for carrying data and programs back and forth)

High risk files

The most dangerous files types are:
Because they don't need any special conversion to infect a computer -- all they've got to do is run and consequently the virus spreads. It has been estimated that 99% of all viruses are written for these file formats.
A list of possible virus carriers includes:
EXE - (Executable file)
SYS - (Executable file)
COM - (Executable file)
DOC - (Microsoft Word)
XLS - (Microsoft Excel)
MDB - (Microsoft Access)
ZIP - (Compressed file, common in the USA)
ARJ - (Compressed file, common in the USA)
DRV - (Device driver)
BIN - (Common boot sector image file)
SCR - (Microsoft screen saver)

Common Symptoms Of Virus Infection

Computer does not boot.
Computer hard drive space is reduced.
Applications will not load.
An application takes longer to load than normal time period.
Hard dive activity increases especially when nothing is being done on the computer.
An anti virus software message appears.
The number of hard drive bad sectors steadily increases. 
Unusual graphics or messages appear on the screen
Files are missing (deleted)
A message appears that hard drive cannot be detected or recognized.
Strange sounds come from the computer.
Some viruses take control of the keyboard and occasionally substitute a neighboring key for the one actually pressed. Another virus "swallows" key presses so that nothing appears on the screen. 
Also interesting are system time effects. Clocks going backwards are especially frightening for workers who cannot wait to go home. More seriously though, this type of virus can cause chaos for programs which depend on the system time or date. 
Some viruses can cost the user dearly by dialing out on his modem. We do not know of one which dials premium telephone numbers but no doubt we shall see one soon. One particularly malicious virus dials 911 (the emergency number in the USA) and takes up the valuable time of the emergency services. 

Categories of viruses
Depending on the source of information different types of viruses may be categorized in the following ways:

The increasing power of PDAs has spawned a new breed of viruses. Maliciously creative programmers have leveraged the PDA's ability to communicate with other devices and run programs, to cause digital mayhem.
The blissfully safe world where users of these devices could synchronize and download with impunity came to an end in August 2000 with the discovery of the virus Palm Liberty. Since then, many more viruses have been discovered.
Though not yet as harmful as their PC-based cousins, these viruses still pose a threat to unsuspecting users. Their effects vary from the harmless flashing of an unwanted message or an increase in power consumption, to the deletion of all installed programs. But the threat is growing, and the destructiveness of these viruses is expected to parallel the development of the devices they attack.

A virus that combines two or more different infection methods is called a multipartite virus. This type of virus can infect both files and boot sector of a disk. Multi-partite viruses share some of the characteristics of boot sector viruses and file viruses: They can infect .com files, .exe files, and the boot sector of the computer’s hard drive. On a computer booted up with an infected diskette, the typical multi-partite virus will first make itself resident in memory then infect the boot sector of the hard drive. From there, the virus may infect a PC's entire environment. Not many forms of this virus class actually exist. However, they do account for a disproportionately large percentage of all infections. Tequila and Anticad are the examples of multipartite viruses.

The two most prevalent types of bombs are time bombs and logic bombs. A time bomb hides on the victim’s disk and waits until a specific date before running. A logic bomb may be activated by a date, a change to a file, or a particular action taken by a user or a program. Bombs are treated as viruses because they can cause damage or disruption to a system.

Until the mid-1990s, boot sector viruses were the most prevalent virus type, spreading primarily in the 16-bit DOS world via floppy disk. Boot sector viruses infect the boot sector on a floppy disk and spread to a user's hard disk, and can also infect the master boot record (MBR) on a user's hard drive. Once the MBR or boot sector on the hard drive is infected, the virus attempts to infect the boot sector of every floppy disk that is inserted into the computer and accessed. Examples of boot sector viruses are Michelangelo, Satria and Keydrop.
Boot sector viruses work like this: Let us assume that the user received a diskette with an infected boot sector. The user copied data from it but forgot to remove it from drive A:. When he started the computer next time the boot process will execute the infected boot sector program from the diskette. The virus will load first and infect the hard disk. Note that this can be prevented by changing the boot sequence in CMOS (Let C: drive boot before A:). By hiding on the first sector of a disk, the virus is loaded into memory before the system files are loaded. This allows it to gain complete control of DOS interrupts and in the process replaces the original contents of the MBR or DOS boot sector with their own contents and move the original boot sector data to another area on the disk. Because the virus has infected a system area of the hard disk it will be loaded into memory each time the computer is started. It will first take control of the lowest level disk system services before executing the original boot sector code which it has stored in another part of the hard disk. The computer seems to behave exactly as it should. Nobody will notice the extra few fractions of a second added to the boot sequence. 
During normal operation the virus will happily stay in memory. Thanks to the fact that it has control of the disk services it can easily monitor requests for disk access - including diskettes. As soon as it gets a request for access to a diskette it will determine that there is a diskette in the floppy drive. It will then examine its boot sector to see if it has already been infected. If it finds the diskette clean it will replace the boot sector with its own code. From this moment the diskette will be a "carrier" and become a medium for infections on other PC's.


Tutorial Membuat Motion Shape Pada Macromedia Flash 8

Pada tutorial kali ini saya akan menerangkan bagaimana cara membuat Motion Shape dari bentuk persegi menjadi bentuk bulat pada Macromedia Flash 8. Adapun Langkah – langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Bukalah program Macromedia Flash 8 anda dan pada kolom Create New pilih Flash Document.

2. Buatlah sebuah shape persegi dengan menggunakan Rectangle Tool dan beri warna biru.

3. Klik kanan pada Frame ke-20 dan pilih Insert Keyframe

4. Kemudian hapus shape persegi tadi dan buat sebuah shape lingkaran berwarna merah dengan menggunakan Oval Tool

5. Lalu klik lagi pada frame 1 dan pada tab property pilih Shape

Setelah semua langkah dilakukan, tekan alt-enter pada keyboard untuk menjalankan animasi maka anda telah berhasil membuat sebuah animasi Motion Shape pada macromedia Flash 8. Selamat Mencoba!!!


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Bagi anda yang tertarik untuk mencoba silahkan download disini!!!!!!


Trik Menggabungkan Pc Media Antivirus Dengan ClamWin Antivirus

Pc Media Antivirus (PCMAV) adalah antivirus buatan terbaik Indonesia yang mampu membasmi virus sampai keakar – akarnya, sekaligus mampu memperbaiki kerusakan yang dilakukam oleh sivirus. Sedangkan ClamWin Antivirus adalah antivirus yang mempunyai database atau signature yang banyak. Maka jika kedua antivirus ini digabungkan maka akan didapatkan kekuatan yang hebat yaitu dapat membasmi virus sampai tuntas serta banyak virus yang terdeteksi.

Adapun langkah – langkahnya adalah sebagai berkut :

  1. Masukkan Engine ClamWin kedalam kedalam folder PCMAV file – file tersebut adalah :

  • libclamunrar_iface.dll
  • libclamav.dll
  • libclamunrar.dll
  • main.cvd
  • daily.cvd
  • File - file ini dapat diperoleh di CD/DVD sertaan majalah PCMEDIA atau download di internet.
     2.  Setelah semuanya dimasukkan maka ada delapan file yang ada didalam folder PCMAV anda, lalu buka PCMAV-CLN.exe yang ada pada folder PCMAV, maka akan tampil pilihan dan informasi mengenai ClamWin sebagai berikut :

Setelah semuanya selesai, maka anda telah berhasil menggabungkan dua antivirus yang berbeda. Selamat Mencoba!!!!!!!!

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Download Robensa Flash Game

Ini adalah sebuah game dan animasi flash yang saya buat dengan program Macromedia Flash 8, bagi anda yang ingin melihat silahkan download disini
ingat setelah anda membukanya, jangan ditertawakan!!!!!!!!!